Our legacy as makers of award-winning packaging continues!
Recently, Pusterla Box was honored with the Printing Industries of New England (PINE) Pinnacle Award for Printer’s Self Promotion Division II. Our award-winning packaging project was created for How Design Live 2017 utilizing all the talent our shop has to offer, plus a little help from our friends at Superior Printing and Promotions and Signature Printing.
It goes without saying that we create a lot of premium custom packaging, but few projects have the Pusterla personality of these boxes. Receiving an award for a project that was so representative of our creativity and appreciation for design was a humbling distinction.
PINE is a nonprofit trade association of print businesses in the New England region. Increasing profitability and efficiency for members are the core tenants of their mission, which PINE delivers through numerous discounts, education, and networking opportunities. The annual PINE Awards ceremony celebrates exceptional projects and partners in the industry, and we were lucky enough to be recognized for our work.
We knew we had something special when we made our Ignite Boxes for HOW Design Live 2017. We were gearing up to represent our company at one of the biggest design conferences in the country. The slogan of the 2017 conference was “Ignite Your Ideas”, and we wanted to create packaging that would make a splash while paying homage to the theme of the event. The result was a set of matchboxes with custom in-house artwork, digital printed wrap, and a gorgeous golden ticket.
This award-winning packaging demonstrates exactly who we are and what we do at Pusterla Box.
There are not one, but four unique designs for the artwork on these boxes; all created in-house. The design of the digitally printed wrap plays to the function of the box itself. The words “Push” and “Pull” are visible at either end of the tray. Should you heed the command and force the tray out of the slipcase, you’ll be greeted with the complete message along the side panels of the tray that reads “Inspiration is a Push”/ “Creativity is a Pull”.
Our Ignite Boxes were a project that involved collaboration from across all departments at Pusterla Box. The trays were assembled on our Emmeci automatic casing machines, filled with print collateral in our hand department, and featured an utterly stunning golden ticket from our foil stamping department. We have a history of award-winning packaging, and we’re proud to add this project to our Hall of Fame.
Receiving this award from an industry leader like PINE was an honor. Congratulations to our colleagues in the industry for their exceptional work. We’re anxiously awaiting next year’s awards already. In the meantime, we’ll keep creating premium custom packaging that ignites ideas.