The Vine

Recyclable Premium Succulents Box

Georgia-based designers Bryce Vann Brock and Kelly Revels needed packaging for their expanding range of online products. But as retailers of plants and greenery, they needed a box that was not only structurally strong, but environmentally friendly.

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FSC certified paper, recycled paperboard, single color foil stamping, embossed paper, removable neck tray

Industry Box Style

Two Boxes in One

This box was designed as a planter for The Vine’s selection of succulent plants. The succulents were removable, and the packaging easily takes on a second life as a keepsake box.

To accommodate plants of a variety of heights and sizes, this box is modular. It can be arranged in several different configurations to best suit the succulents. The neck tray can be removed from the base and combined with the lid to form an entirely separate box.

Sustainable Succulents

Sustainability was important for The Vine, so the materials are 100% recyclable, including FSC® certified paper and paperboard.

Earthly Aesthetics

The combination of embossed paper from Ecological Fibers and a single color green foil stamp creates a striking textured appearance.


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