Product Launch Kit for Happy Baby

Product Launch Kit for Happy Baby

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Welcome to another Taylor Box Box Talk. Today we're going to talk about this product launch kit we made for Happy Baby, which is a Happy Family product. Our client Madwell came to us with the concept. This is a great example of how Taylor Box can serve as a design collaborator. Madwell, the creative agency that came up with the entire concept, needed structural design assistance which we were able to give them to successfully complete this project.

This product launch kit was to announce the release of their new clear packaging initiative. Clear packaging is important to Happy Baby because it lets parents know that they can see exactly what is in their children's food. The outside was wrapped in a soft-touch white coating printed with "This is goodness you can see," to reiterate the message that their clear packaging is about transparency regarding the contents.

To emphasize the good, fresh, healthy, natural ingredients of the Happy Baby product, Madwell designed this folding insert that would display the farm from which the ingredients came behind the food packet themselves. If you look down in the insert, you'll see a die-cut shape that perfectly held the pouch. In the back, there was also a slot for printed collateral about the product. The natural edge drives home the organic, natural quality of the product that's being shown. At the very back, the folding insert has a large panel showing further the Happy Baby graphics.

This is a successful product launch kit in that it both shows the product and embodies the product. From the choice of graphics and photography to placement inventive on the sides and edges, to the organic quality of the die-cut bass edge, Madwell made design choices that reiterated the Happy Baby brand promise of "This is goodness you can see."

We are passionate about design collaboration at Taylor Box. Whether you have a product and no concept or a fully-rendered 3D drawing, we are the packaging partner you're looking for.