
Anniversary Luxury Press Kit

World renowned fashion brand Bulgari needed a haute couture box to commemorate their 125th Anniversary. This stylish rigid box is the epitome of beautiful packaging.

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French panel, gold foil stamping, Black Mano paper, tray insert, ribbon pull

Industry Box Style

Centennial Celebration

When you’ve been in business for over a century, an ordinary celebration just won't do. You have to acknowledge how far you’ve come and memorialize those important moments in your history.

Bulgari put together a phenomenal retrospective paying homage to the visual heritage of their brand. The book, 10, Via Condotti Roma Portfolio, was housed in a gorgeous three panel folder.

Made to Scale

This tray in three panel folder is an exquisite union of form and function. Featuring resplendent gold foil stamping, the serpent that adorns the exterior is rendered in unparalleled clarity; each scale is precise and distinct.

Beauty and the Box

Beyond sheer aesthetics, this box is loaded with technical prowess. The serpent design wraps around the entire piece, a feat of engineering that required the utmost expertise of our foil stamping department.

three panel folder, specialty folder, luxurious packaging, custom packaging, rigid box, high end box, foil stamping

A French panel ensures the box closes with vacuum-like precision. An insert with a satin ribbon pull cradles the commemorative book.

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