Custom eCommerce Packaging for Mother E

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sustainable packaging, custom ecommerce packaging, rigid box, mother e, essential oils, oils box

Mother E needed custom eCommerce packaging for their collection of essential oils, we were ready for action.

At Taylor Box, everything we make is always custom. We deal with a wide variety of clients from almost every conceivable industry, and as you can imagine, that requires some flexibility. Any project could come through our door. So, we don’t make just one kind of box. We don’t do one-size-fits-all. We specialize in custom packaging design that adapts to the needs of our customers.

Loyal to the Oil

Do you know someone who uses essential oils?

Maybe you’ve seen promotional posts from wellness gurus on Instagram, wandered into that aisle in Whole Foods, or maybe you’ve even tried a drop of peppermint oil to remedy that post-pizza heartburn.

None of that stuff?

Well, okay. Let’s see, then…essential oils…where to begin…

custom ecommerce packaging, custom packaging design, oils, aromatheraphy, essential oils, apothecary
Photo by Denisse Lozano

Throughout the history of medicine, oils have been used as antiseptics, digestive aids, stress reducers and more. Recently, essential oils have become something of a phenomenon for health conscious Americans, constituting a multi-billion dollar industry. Essential oils are common in aromatherapy where scent is used to affect and uplift mood, but certain oils can also be ingested or applied topically in small doses. The aforementioned peppermint oil, for example, works something like a natural Alka-Seltzer, relieving nausea and indigestion. Folks who use essential oils enjoy a range of benefits. And even better, they smell nice.

The Mother (E) Load

Mother E is a leading online retailer of choice essential oils. They strive to provide accessible and affordable products while maintaining a commitment to the wellbeing of the planet (after all, they’re called Mother E). The purity of their oils is rigorously tested, and they’re serious about where and how their ingredients are sourced.

As a brand with ecological concerns and a dedication to quality, Mother E had precise packaging needs. So we collaborated to create custom eCommerce packaging that was suited specifically for the product, optimized for eCommerce, and made to be as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible.

custome ecommerce packaging, box, essential oils, base and lid

For discerning customers who demand quality products as part of their health and wellness routine, packaging is a reassurance that they’ve made the right choice. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again; premium products deserve premium packaging– especially when it comes to online retailers.

Take hair extensions, for example- a burgeoning online market where packaging is totally inconsistent with the price and quality of the product. Skimping on the packaging is a surefire way to disappoint your customers. On the other hand, a memorable unboxing experience can turn first time buyers into devoted fans.

It’s understandable that online retailers often choose simple mailers and bubble wrap over custom eCommerce packaging. After all, customers ordered the product, not the box. But a comprehensive packaging experience is as important in the digital realm as it is on store shelves.

Dig this. According a comprehensive survey conducted by LEK Consultancy, more than 80% of executives report that packaging is critical to their brand’s success, 50% plan to increase their packaging budget in 2018, and 40% are embracing the move to sustainable packaging.More than 80% of executives report that packaging is critical to their brand's success, 50% plan to increase their packaging budget in 2018, and 40% are embracing the move to sustainable packaging. Share on X

It’s worth mentioning that Mother E doesn’t just feature standalone products on their website, the packaging is displayed as well. That’s a smart move, in our book. Even on a computer screen or a mobile device, packaging still does its job. The Mother E box we’ve featured this month shows the effort and consideration put in to designing the box, and by extension, the heart of the brand.

The box is the first interaction customers will have with the product and it ought to be memorable and enjoyable. Why settle for a one-size-fits-all box when you could have a custom box Taylored to your needs?

custom ecommerce packaging, box, essential oils

Custom eCommerce Packaging

So what goes into a great custom box? This Base and Lid box for Mother E is a prime example of how materials and design come together to accommodate product while also adding personality to a brand. Let’s start with paperboard- the material that makes the rigid box itself.

Paperboard is an inherently sustainable material made from recycled paper fiber. That’s old newspapers, cardboard, and even pulp from harvested timber. The paper and paperboard we use is sustainably sourced and causes as little environmental impact as possible. We recently earned our FSCĀ® Certification to prove it.

A custom insert was made to hold four bottles of essential oils. The insert was made of SBS (Solid Bleached Sulfate), a virgin grade of paperboard often used in medical packaging that exudes a clean, untarnished feel. The raised neck tray adds a presentational effect to the box, an elevated platform to make those oils appear like the trophies of health and wellness that they are. The insert was made specifically to handle the weight and size of the tiny glass bottles and ensures minimum clinking and breakage.

The box was wrapped in White Mano paper from Neenah on the base and Timbertuff Pilgrim Kraft paper on the lid. The two tone paper almost creates an “unbranded” effect. Plain, nondescript; more function than form. The only distinct decoration on the box is a black foil stamp of the Mother E logo on the lid. But this subdued design has a purpose.

The plain box contrasts brilliantly with explosive scenes of pastoral panorama. Photorealistic digital printed sleeves depict images of natural splendor, and each set of oils has its own corresponding scene. The Elixirs Collection, for example, portrays a purple-tinged twilight sky behind a sturdy snow-capped mountain, all reflecting in placid crystal water.

custom ecommerce packaging, custom packaging design, mother e, essential oils, box, nature, mountain, stars

Mother E made sure that the packaging for their essential oils aligned exactly with the values of their brand. Let’s review.

Custom made? Check.

Optimized for eCommerce? Check.

Sustainable? Check.

This is a box for a modern brand. It was made to look good online and to let customers feel good about purchasing it. Custom eCommerce packaging is essential for online retailers who want to separate themselves from the pack of generic packaging. And there’s no one who has a box quite like this design for Mother E.

Is Custom Packaging essential for your business? Get in touch with Taylor Box today!

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