
Bath Bomb Packaging for Sentry

Promotional packaging for Sentry featuring a bath time-themed art style Promotional packaging for Sentry featuring a bath time-themed art style
Promotional packaging box for Sentry containing a colorful bath bomb Promotional packaging box for Sentry containing a colorful bath bomb
Promotional packaging for Sentry's F(un) Bomb featuring four unique characters Promotional packaging for Sentry's F(un) Bomb featuring four unique characters
Colorful promotional packaging and a pink bathbomb from Sentry Colorful promotional packaging and a pink bathbomb from Sentry

To help Sentry stand out among a slew of marketing materials at tech conferences and trade shows, Pusterla Box was recruited to create a line of eye-catching custom bath bomb boxes.

With inspired design from Sentry, Pusterla Box developed this bath bomb packaging to provide a memorable experience and a lasting keepsake.

Sentry helps developers write better software faster with tools for application performance and error monitoring. They catch the bugs that developers may have left in their code, consolidate the problems, and make them easy to solve.

A telescoping Base and Lid construction was the perfect choice for this project. Base and Lid-style boxes are the most classic rigid box design and afford tremendous opportunities for customization. By separating specific aspects of the packaging between the base and the lid, design elements are able to be better emphasized. Namely, the charming 4-Color designs are able to put the spotlight on the lid, while all the requisite copy resides on the base.


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4-Color Printing

Industry Box Style

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