
Giant Promotional Box

We've made plenty of promotional boxes for ourselves here at Pusterla over the years, but this one just might be the most iconic.

Our “Giant” promotional box was made as part of a packaging campaign for 2014 How Design conference in Boston.  The promotion complimented the actual GIANT we had onsite in our booth that was about 10feet in heigh built entirely out of rigid boxes with a glowing heart, shaped like the Pusterla Box Logo!  This base and lid box was filled with Legos for contestants to build their own Mini-Giant figures for a chance to win an iPad Air.

This promotional box is decorated with both 4-color and PMS printing, yielding an incredibly bright, color-precise package thanks to our partners at Signature Printing. The extended neck tray invites beholders to open the box. Die-cut squares on the lid give a peek into the blue-orange gradient that relays the promotional messaging of the contest.

The base and lid are the standard rigid box, but this line of promotional packaging shows how a little creativity can transform a base a lid from standard to sensational.  And by the way, every element of this box was designed and manufactured in-house at our facility in Warren, Rhode Island.

Project Details

4-Color Printing, Die-Cutting

Industry Box Style

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